How to Dissolve Kidney Stones.

Kidney stones can look like grains of sand or be as big as a pearl. They are formed due to an excess of mineral salts or other deposits in the kidneys. They can also lodge in the ureter, in the urethra and in the bladder. They are known to be very painful when they are expelled, especially when they block the urinary functions. In many cases, your doctor will send you home and advise you to drink plenty of fluids until the calculations are complete. Larger calculations can be sprayed with medical technology to break them down into smaller pieces so that they can be expelled more easily from your body. 

Here I will give you some tips for Home Remedies to remove the stone. 

    1.   Drink plenty of water every day. Whatever your type of calculations, those with a diameter of less than 5 mm will usually evacuate on their own without medical intervention. Your doctor will probably recommend you drink around three liters of water a day until the stones are gone, if you feel the symptoms of stones, but they are not painful enough to require medical intervention. Hydrating abundantly will allow you to evacuate the stones of your body.      

  • Count enough water to produce almost translucent urine. Clear urine is an indication that your body is very well hydrated.   

  • You can also hydrate yourself by drinking caffeine, sugar and alcohol-free drinks such as herbal teas, green tea or freshly squeezed juices. Do not eat coffee, artificial sweeteners, sugary or alcoholic beverages while you are trying to evacuate your calculations.        

2.  Make changes in your diet to reduce your calculations. Since kidney stones are the result of the accumulation of certain minerals, eating fewer foods containing these minerals can help you reduce the size of the stones. It is especially effective if you suffer from stones of calcareous origin or because of a too acid urine. 
  •  If your stones are calcareous , reduce the consumption of the following foods that could aggravate the situation: over-salty foods, dairy products, oysters, tofu and foods that are too fat. If you have calcium oxalate stones, you should avoid foods that are rich in oxalates, such as rhubarb, grapes, spinach, sweet potatoes, coffee and chocolate.
  • If you suffer from uric acid stones , reduce the following foods that favor uric acid: offal such as liver and kidneys, anchovies, sardines, kidney beans, mushrooms, spinach, cabbage -flower, yeast and alcohol. 

    3.  Drink drinks containing lemon every day. The acidity in the lemon helps to dissolve kidney stones, whether you drink freshly squeezed lemon, drinks made with natural lemon extracts, or plain water with a slice of lemon.

    4.  Try herbal remedies. Although science has not been able to prove the effectiveness of herbal remedies to dissolve kidney stones, many patients have found relief from consuming certain herbs, especially in the form of herbal teas, which can promote dissolution. and the expulsion of the calculations. Try the following plants for the treatment of small stones. 

    o     The infusion of birch leaves, which has the reputation of facilitating the cleaning of the urinary tract.
    o    Black tea that increases the amount of urine, since it is a diuretic.
    o    Stinging nettle tea is also diuretic and can help you evacuate kidney stones from your body.
    o    The dandelion root, which would be an effective tonic for the kidneys.
    o    Apple cider vinegar, which has a reputation for dissolving stones. You can eat up to a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar every day or mix it with water.
    o    Do not eat sorrel , it can aggravate stones due to calcification of the kidneys.
    o    The juice of banana branches is in India a known treatment.