Brisk Walking

It is possible when you often miss time, to associate walking with your movements. Whether for your shopping or to get to your place of work, the benefits for your body are not negligible.

1.   Walking to clear the mind 

When you walk, apart from common distractions like listening to music or chatting, your brain has only one function. It's just thinking. Giving free rein to your thoughts allows you to wander mentally and away from everyday worries.

This gives you time for your unresolved queries. Likewise, a free spirit is more peaceful, serene and dynamic in the face of life situations in general. So, rather than riding your big horses with your spouse, walk. This attitude will make you see things in a different light.

On the other hand, walking in a group or in good company has a relaxing effect on the mind. This saves you from being depressed and sometimes anxious because the exercise with several brings smile and serenity. In addition, you will not feel the effort provided during a walk, even for miles.

 2.  Better management of body through walking (1 hour per day)

A gesture as simple as walking makes you spend an incredible amount of energy. Walking every day ensures a better balance of mass after 12 months.

In fact, an hour of walking every day helps you eliminate nearly 250 calories at a constant pace. An excellent solution to lose 5kg before the summer, without (too much) effort!

This number looks ridiculous, but in a perspective of weekly progression, you will lose at least half a kilo of fat in one year. Ideal for losing weight fast , right?

This of course, considering that the amount of calories brought to your body every day is moderate or reduced. So, walk to burn your fat!

 3.  An organization strengthened with each step ( Daily)

In addition, walking promotes the elimination of bad cholesterol and superfluous fat. Indeed, moving on foot makes you draw directly into your nature reserves.

Sugar, a great source of energy in the body does not escape these combustion reactions. Walking is thus the first treatment recommended to diabetics, with a view to stabilizing blood sugar.

Similarly, for obese people, walking is recommended rather than a sport that is too intense right from the start of a weight loss program. Walking has the advantage of being without the risk of injury or trauma of the joints, unlike jogging.

In addition, walking quickly generates a calorific expenditure equivalent to that of running. So why run like a hare, if you can walk lightly and reassuringly like a turtle?

4.  Toned and defined body by walking.

Walking while standing upright with the contracted belly while swinging the arms helps to consolidate the whole upper part of the body. This helps you maintain your figure without going to a gym every day. In addition, the way you walk is part of your identity, it is important to work on a daily basis.

It is more obvious that the lower muscles gain flexibility and tone through walking. Indeed, this movement involves all the muscles of the legs, glutes to the calves.

Brisk walking results in a permanent contraction of these muscles, thus eliminating the fat that has accumulated. Your legs then gain finesse and definition.

5.  Walking to strengthen the joints

Joint disorders become common from very advanced age. People with osteoarthritis are therefore reluctant to participate in sports activities, accumulating other health problems over time.
However, walking can solve these joint pain while extending their life. If you missed it, here is the article dedicated to the solutions to cure osteoarthritis.

The return of this climb on your body is tripled compared to a walk at high speed. Down the stairs also strengthens the bones and joints.

6.   Walking to better recover

Because of the relaxation it provides, walking is a great way to recover after an intense effort. For example, after a race, it is much more advisable to walk slowly than to fall directly to the ground. This allows your heart to return to its normal rhythm, naturally and not too abruptly.
Similarly, walking is the first method of rehabilitation after a sports accident or in some cases of stroke. Also for people whose job is to sit for several hours, walking is a relaxing way to relax muscles and joints.
This also allows the brain to recover after a long time when attention is sought.

7.   Walking to help digestion

Many people are constantly suffering from constipation. However, walking after eating easily triggers the food's decomposition process.

Thus, intestinal transit is much easier thanks to walking . Similarly, rapid digestion depletes the body and brainless.

Disorders of digestion also affect the quality of sleep. So it's better to take a few steps after dinner than to lie down directly. This will save you nightmares on the meal of the day before!

In conclusion: it is essential to walk to stay healthy

In view of all these benefits, walking is ideal for anyone who wants to keep his physical health but also psychological. It is thus easy to practice this physical exercise, which moreover is without traumatism for the body, in order to grow old in good health.

So, are you convinced? 🙂 All you have to do is practice!